Offering in Somerville, MA, Private Pilates Lessons, Duets, Trios & Group Equipment Classes & Mat Classes

April weekend Group classes are limited to six attendees, openings are available on Saturdays at 10 a.m. for $50.00.

Privates $150

Duets $75

are scheduled at your availability

Classes are 50-minute lessons that utilize Joseph Pilate's various apparatus equipment and classical mat work while teaching to your individual needs. You will learn proper breathing and corrective exercises. Benefits include injury prevention and rehabilitation, improving your strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and overall endurance without putting undue stress on your heart or joints. 

All Scheduling is provided by inquiry only.

We are accepting new clients. To be informed of openings as they become available, please email us the type of class you are interested in and your contact information at We value your understanding and are grateful for your interest.